Many of you might not be aware of PayZippy - a payment gateway which is being built by Flipkart; the eCommerce giant of India.
What PayZippy offers to Merchants:
- Higher conversions with less abandonments
- User experience
- Great merchant support - available for 12 hrs on all 7 days
- Payment gateway for mobile as well
- 100% secure
- Better pricing - no sign up fee, no annual maintenance
In India most of the players revolve/aspire around CCavenue, EBS, Paypal, DirectPay. The most important factor while choosing a payment gateway is Security(for merchants and customers both), followed by the Pricing (Debit card, Credit Card, EMI)
Flipkart is definitely a trusted name when it comes to selling online, but would they be equally successful with PayZippy? Well this would completely depend on the robustness of the tool and how useful it turns out to be.
Another question which comes to mind is - would the aspiring start-ups in eCommerce space want to use Flipkart Payment Gateway. Though we do not know the answer, however we can speculate. If people would have flocked knowing its Flipkart then the name might have been shouting Flipkart name all over.
- The "Merchant" section does not mention Flipkart owns it
- The "Customer" section does mention this - and it sounds as if Flipkart is trying to tap their customer base. But here the VOC won't help the new founders in choosing a payment gateway. Is this desperation or the only way Flipkart could attract people ?
- PayZippy's facebook page is the only place which mentions "PayZippy by Flipkart". Twitter also has a mention but not that prominent
- Most important - the site does not have a 'Privacy Policy' and a 'Terms & Conditions' page. What does that signify ? Why did Flipkart choose to ignore this ?
- PayZippy at this point of time does not support OpenCart, Magento, Wordpress - which is nearly 70-80% of the market share.
- Given an understanding, its clear that PayZippy is a B2B model, still PayZippy is more active on Facebook and not at all present on LinkedIn - am wondering why.
PayZippy is not the 1st business model which Flipkart has ventured into, apart from online store. Flipkart owns a brand named DigiFlip. Surprisingly, there is no brand website for DigiFlip